
6 NGOs winners of the Sub-Grant scheme are being implemented in the city of Tirana in the same time-period 6 projects as following: "My School - "Recycling", "Learn about recycling through actions and filming", "Flowers instead of waste", "Active School for Waste Separation", "Green School - Tirana" and "Waste Education for a Sustainable Future".
Additionally, a group of students from each school are preparing to become behavior change agents for the management of urban waste and hazardous waste. They will influence the increase of awareness and the dissemination of information and positive practices for the 5Rs.
In the 12 schools are piloting of the waste differentiation scheme has started by donating bins, where in each bin the waste will be differentiated. Eco Clubs are being created within the project "Capitals that cooperate for common challenges in hazardous waste management - Yerevan, Warsaw, Tirana" funded by the EU.
The EU-funded project "Capital cities collaborating on common challenges in hazardous waste management - Yerevan, Warsaw, Tirana" is designed to bring about significant improvements in MWM, providing innovative and collaborative solutions for local governments, companies and citizens.
The project aims to:
1) Strengthen aspects of evidence-based local governance through technical and organizational solutions for MMR,
2) Increase citizen awareness and participation in hazardous waste management, and
3) Prioritize effective management hazardous waste in partner cities.